Woodbury Park Association

Homeowner’s Annual Meeting


Held November 21, 2016



The Annual Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm. 


The minutes of October 29, 2015 Annual Meeting were accepted.


A review of the Financial Reports occurred with the highlights shown below.


Financial Report

·        Profit & Loss Statement

o    $29,368 membership dues were recorded. There is one delinquent household. Actual and forecast expenses totaled $27,880.


Balance Sheet as of October 27, 2016:

o   $14,163 in checking account

o   $30,111 in savings


·        2017 Budget that included expenses of $28,250 was unanimously approved.


                 Dues remain at $250.00.


General Comments/Discussions


Russ reviewed the financial statements which included individual expense items. The 2017 Budget was reviewed and accepted.


Jim covered the need to update our web site. A discussion of some options followed and ideas were solicit. It will cost about $1,700 which funds are available. However, it was suggested that we include a 10% on the proposed expenditure for possible overruns.


Notices for dues payment will be sent at the end of January with a payment date of February 28, 2017.


The existing Board of Directors was elected to another 3 year term:      

                        Jim Giordano, President           

                        Hendrik Zenicki, Vice President

                        Russ Flynn, Treasurer


An Association Garage Sale was suggested for the weekend of June 8, 9, 10. Volunteers are requested to contact Jim Giordano.


Wendy N. volunteered her husband to audit the Association operations.


There being no further business to discuss, the Annual Meeting was adjourned at 8:28 pm.


                        Board of Directors